
New Website

We develop and manage full-service custom wordpress powered back-end websites for our clients. 

The sky is the limit on what we can do for you. Hosted by GoDaddy through our PXWebShop, all new build website clients are enrolled in our discounted website management program.

Website Takeover

If you have an existing website, that you own the hosting for – ie not with  another agency, but on a web host like GoDaddy or HostMonster, and you need a professional to take over managing and re designing your site – we are here for you!

Onboarding process includes:
Gaining access to your site,
Becoming familiar with the setup,
Identifying all issue with current site,
Compiling a to-do list with needed or requested updates,
Setting up a timeline for completion of each item in web management.

1 year website management agreement required.

Website Management

We will manage your website for you on an ongoing basis to cover the following:
• Making minor content updates as needed – completed within 1-2 business days to existing content – i.e. updating bios, business hours, swapping out existing images.
• If on wordpress, updating plugins on a monthly basis.
• Ensuring new website accessibility standards are upheld to current google requirements.
• Notifying you when your domain or hosting needs to be renewed.
• Ensuring your website back up is current.
• Assisting with website recovery or working with third parties to apply solutions to repair a compromised website.

Website Optimization

We will overhaul your site to keyword tag all images, optimize all site text for search engine rankings, install or update all google analytics for traffic monitoring, fix broken links, submit your site to search engine resources to ensure it is being found online.


If you would prefer to DIY your website, we will work with you to choose the best AI website building program to fit your needs, and ensure the setup runs smoothly, and outline a branding strategy so that your website works to support your business as effectively as possible.

AI Website Setup Assistance Includes:

Live AI Website Account and Build Walk-Through over the phone/zoom/screen share.
• Marketing Content Planning
• Beta Testing of all Links
• Stock Image Source Recommendations

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